Fish Kind
Be River Kind. Be Kind to Fish Too.
Floating the great rivers of Montana is a right, but with rights come responsibilities. Follow these simple rules of the river and use a little common sense. That way everyone can enjoy what many believe to be Montana’s best treasure.
Fish/Float Prepared: Know conditions and have the proper license(s). Know where you are headed and the rules.
Fish/Float Smart: Don’t clog the Boat Ramp. Get your boat and gear organized away from the ramp before launching your boat. Anchor your boat next to the ramp and quickly move your vehicle out of the way. Park your vehicle appropriately, get in your boat, and pull away from the ramp.
Fish/Float Aware: Give other anglers space and don’t run through their water. If you have to make sure to acknowledge and apologize; courtesy goes a long way.
Fish/Float Respectfully: Respect private property.
Fish/Float No Trace: Leave the landscape better than you found it and pick up trash and poop (dog and human).
Fish for impact: Give back by volunteering, your giving, and your advocacy for fish, clean water, and healthy habitats